Monetary Support
Donations can be sent to:
Floating Bible Schools International
Allen & Kathy Sappington
1216 E. Kenosha, Ste. 275
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74012
Visionaries activate the vision.
Pro-visionaries facilitate the vision.
Recipients duplicate the vision.
Vision has finality when provision becomes reality.
Together, as a team, we can break the dependency/poverty cycle.
Let’s empower and mobilize the nationals to develop their own resources.
Intercession for ministry opportunities
Intercession for business opportunities
Team Members
Team members with various skills are needed. If you, or someone you know, would like to assist us in the following areas, please contact us.
Infrastructure – power, sewer, water, transportation
Education Administration
Education Curriculum – primary and vocational
Web Base Programmers for Accounting System Web Site
Sources for Cottage Manufacturing Contributors
Medical Missionaries and Medical Supplies